ACCALLI/O CA - IBM Connections Integration for Adobe Experience Manager
Extend the scope of functions of your Adobe Experience Manager with a social component and integrate the strength of both systems in one platform.
You can combine the strength of both systems, by integrating IBM Connections in your Adobe Experience Manager.
Realtime updates
Activity streams will be updated in both systems.
By balancing specific product differences, antegma provides a user-friendly and consistent programming interface for developers.

Supported functions of IBM Connections
- Activitystream (Personal / Community)
- Aktivities/Tasks
- Blogs
- Bookmarks
- Communities
- Files
- Forums
- Metrics
- Profiles
- Wikis
- Recommending/Liking
- Sharing
- Commenting
- Microblogging/Status Messages
- Following

Support product versions
Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
Adobe Experience Manager 6.5
Adobe Experience Manager 6.4
Adobe Experience Manager 6.3
Adobe Experience Manager 6.2
Adobe Experience Manager 6.1
Adobe Experience Manager 6.0
HCL / IBM Connection
HCL Connections 7.0
IBM Connections 6.0
IBM Connections 5.5
IBM Connections 5.0
IBM Connections 4.5
IBM Connections Cloud

Benefit from a tailor-made software package that perfectly matches your company’s requirements. ACCALLI/O is a tailor-made solution that integrates separate applications into one platform to use synergies.

ACCALLI/O SP -Microsoft Sharepoint integration for Adobe Experience Manager
Combine the strength of the Adobe Experience Manager content management system with the power of Microsoft SharePoint to create outstanding intranet solutions and communication platforms.

ACCALLI/O OX - Microsoft Office 365 Outlook & Exchange integration for Adobe Experience Manager
Bring the most successful business software into a new context with our integration. Create optimized processes and a seamless user experience by bringing Microsoft Office 365 Outlook & Exchange integration into the Adobe Experience Manager. Compose mails, edit contacts and appointments. All features are available as components in AEM.